this week i learned...

1. that the alley next to the el stop by my house almost always smells like pee. sometimes when i'm on my home and it's 101 degrees the smell is really gross, but sometimes it's sort of comforting because yay i'm almost home!

2. that life is way more fun when you wear almost all your jewley on one arm at one time. see above. (thanks to the man repeller for the inspiration!)

3. that fake hanky panky thongs are sort of better than real hanky panky thongs.

4. that if i'm wearing a short sundress, my hanky panky bum will touch the surface of whatever seat i'm in. like when i'm sitting on the el train. i figure this is not a good thing, but if there's a free seat on the el, i'm totally sitting in it.

it's been a productive week, my friends.

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