
today pretty much sucked balls.

it was stressful for a number of reasons and then on top of all those reasons, i accidentally poured coffee all over my ipod. i was hoping it would survive such a trauma (kind of like my laptop turned out ok when i dropped it on the hardwood floor in mintel's front lobby), but alas, he's dunzo.

also, there was actual poop on one of the seats in my subway car tonight. and usually when i see poop on the subway (or when new york is being mean to me in general), i blare Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now by The Smiths and i feel a little bit better. but no ipod = no Smiths = no one understands me = poop smells bad.

morrissey, please help.


Kelley, Sailing Chance said...

If it makes you feel any better, someone (and not myself) spilled wine on my mac and it's dunzo. I'm pissed and have to buy a new one.

Unknown said...

let's go to the apple store together and spend lost of money!!

we can go for drinks first and it wont feel so bad.