as i mentioned here, this 'plenty to be thankful for!' blog swap/challenge was a first for me -- and i am so glad i did it! i met a lot of great bloggers through this challenge, one of whom is kit from life of a scott, my blog swap partner. kit and her husband live in florence, south carolina, which is funny because my parents actually moved there from massachusetts while i was in college. small world, right? kit's expecting a baby in about 20 weeks -- she's gorgeous and sweet as can be and her bump is adorable! not only that, but kit's an amazing gift giver...i sort of think i made out like a bandit for this swap? check out what she sent me...
...essie nail polish in a pretty deep purple color called 'carry on', burt's bees in a refreshing grapefruit flavor (i tore of the cap and put it on immediately as soon as i opened the box), a colorful scarf, note cards that are too pretty to give away, and a card with a super sweet message!
thanks so much, kit!
What a lovely package! I wanted to do a Christmas blogger swap but personal life events kept that from happening. It looks like fun!
Kit sent you some fabulous things! That Essie polish looks really pretty and I love scarves.
I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving!
omg i bought that exact same essie nail polish for thanksgiving!!!! I love your package =)
Glad you loved it :)
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