the perfect valentine's day

i'm not a huge fan of valentine's day. i didn't like it in the fifth grade when Mrs. Polaski insisted we give every single person in the class a valentine even if we didn't like them, and not a lot has changed since then. and before you go thinking i'm all 'anti' because i'm ugly and alone, you should know that i do in fact have a boyfriend. so i'm actually very pretty and in a relationship.

it's just all the pressure! it's like new years, but with hearts. i can't handle it. so this year, ollie and i decided to stay in and cook a nice, quiet, no reservations required dinner at his place. our plans grew to include kevin and natasa, another anti-valentine's couple and dave and....that chick he madeout with in the bathroom last friday night.

spending valentine's day with your bf/gf and a group of friends is ideal. especially if some of those friends know how to cook.

here's a pic of the group eating, drinking, and of course...watching hockey.

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