all about ME

eeee...what the hell is going on? with all the traveling and planning and napping and spinning 'round and 'round and 'round in my office chair yelling at my boss and demanding some (ANY) work to do, i've been totally out of the loop. here's my somewhat sad attempt to get you up to speed:

WORK -- it's still boring. i still don't have enough work to do. when i asked for more responsibility, i was told i could be the "social chair" and organize some incentive outings for the sales people. this might sound great to some of you...and it is pretty fun...but i don't know. i have a BRAIN, you know?

TRAVEL -- i recently came back from a buisness/pleasure trip to beautiful San Francisco. trip highlights included a night tour of alcatraz, lots of hills, and lots of vegan yummies. The very best thing about san francisco is that it's home to two people i admire, look up to, and love. a lot. if i didn't have a first class ticket home, i would never have boarded the flight to chicago.

MORE TRAVEL -- my trip to kenya and tanzania is less than a month away. everything's booked, and our visas are complete. so what's left? SEVEN shots. i have an appt at the Northwestern Travel Clinic tomorrow. gulp.

SANITY CHECK -- i'm off the crazy pills. dont' be alarmed...i'm sure this is in my best interests. i decided to come off it so i could wake up already. seriously. i've been sleeping non stop. when i'm not sleeping, i'm thinking about sleeping. for example, i very nearly fell asleep while driving to see a client in the chicago suburbs. i actually did fall asleep in my hair dresser's chair which caused quite a scene in the salon. i don't want to live like this anymore. and i'm confident in my own abilities to steer clear of bad food habits.

so yes...recent michaela activity in a nutshell. mmmmm nutshells.

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